Thursday, August 23, 2007

It is....

The logo for the church where my brother-in-law held his wedding/reception... No, thank God he doesn't attend the church - it was just a low cost, air conditioned meeting hall.

The church of 'religious science, and the science of the mind'.

Here is what the "logo" means.

This chart shows, first, the Universal Spirit; then the
Universal Soul or Subjectivity, which is the medium of all thought, power and
action; then particularization or manifestation of Spirit.
The point drawn
down through the center symbolizes the descent of Spirit into matter, or form.
It is necessary that Spirit be manifested in order to express Itself. The word
Unity on the descending line shows that all come from the One. Man reënacts the
whole Universal Life, and his nature is identical with Spirit. What is true of
the Whole is true of any one of Its undivided parts. Man comes to a point of
individualization in the Whole and is subject to the Law of the

This chart shows how man reënacts the Whole and is subject to the law of his own
being. If the meaning of this chart is carefully studied it will be made plain
that man thinks consciously and that his conscious thought becomes the law of
his life. The upper section stands for the Self-Conscious man; the middle
section stands for the subconscious man; and the lowest section stands for the
man as he appears in the flesh and in the conditions of his life.

The Religious Science logo

This stylized version of Metaphysical Chart No. II-A (Science of Mind text, page 569) is used throughout the Religious Science movement as a sign of membership. It is a symbolic representation of the creative process of Life.

The circle represents God, which, in the words of St. Augustine, is an infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere, and whose center is everywhere. The circle contains three sections, or a "trinity" of Life: Spirit, Soul and Body. The "V" shape indicates that the three levels of Life are intersected by the creative process which begins with Spirit, moving through the Soul to a point of physical manifestation.

This creative process can also be described as the movement of the Seed, through the Soil, growing into the plant that bears the seed that conceived it.

Spirit / Seed
Soul / Soil
Body / Plant.

What?!? seed, soil, plant... what? Spirit, soul, body... Knock, knock... Hey knuckleheads... It is supposed to be :
Basically this 'cult' (and I use that term in the 'classic' sense) believes that we are all Christ and our collective 'goodness' is 'heaven'.
Here is a direct quote from the cult's founder:
"A Religious Science Church is a state of consciousness and a Religious Scientist is someone who knows, who has an awareness, arrived at perhaps by intuition, because he has listened until something spoke. A Religious Scientist is humble before the greatness of things, but is not afraid of the greatness of things. For our future is a matter of one person who has come to know what God is … then two … then three … then a hundred, wherever our Church may appear".

"A Religious Science church is a place where only two things happen: people are taught about a Divine Presence and a Universal Law of Good, which reacts to It; and people are taught how to use It. That’s all. We have nothing to sell."
- Ernest Holmes
Well Ernest, you have nothing to 'give' either. Jesus Christ is the eternal representation of all that is 'good'. He is the only way to eternal peace.
I am a firm believer in 'see it for yourself'. Here is a link to their beliefs.
Hey, form your own opinions of this drivel. All I know is that this movement needs prayer - prayer for the truth to be revealed. Prayer for God to enlighten everyone

1 comment:

Jamie Stavenger said...

Ahhh. My aunt is a leader in this church, so I am familiar with some of the "theology". It's bunk.