Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Starving Jesus, 40 days of nothing.

"Where is the love?"

"Why are we stuck in the pews?"

"Why is Sunday the only time we see Christians?"

"Are you Born Again lazy? "

"Are you doing everything short of sin to show people Jesus?"

On rare occasions there are those willing to commit a form of spiritual suicide in the Christian subculture. Men and women who will yell from the rooftops, "Church sucks!" Although they are heard, their voices are quickly dismissed and rarely see the light of day. They are labeled fanatics and troublemakers and are asked not to come back. Christ yelled the same type of thing once. It got him killed.

This conversation is on the tips of all sorts of tongues: your fellow churchgoers, your neighbors, your spouse, your kids your friends. And the most important part of this conversation is what you will say. Welcome to the conversation.

Are you Starving Jesus?

Craig Gross and JR Mahon are on a mission to inspire the people to get out of the pews. Too often Christians spend their time praying, talking, and being “spiritual” but not getting their hands dirty.

The book of James says, “Faith without works is dead.” There are too many meetings, too much political posturing, too much condemnation, and too much inaction.

Starving Jesus will challenge you to less talking and more doing.

Craig Gross and JR Mahon run the day-to-day operations of and both live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

A 40 day fast is coming... ...are you ready?

Do something GIVE - PRAY - FAST


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