Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The next day...

Well, a very long day today - mostly I say this because this is the second day without our son being home. I enjoy when our children get to experience times away from us, times when they grow and experience life events that will forever be in their memories... but... I sure do miss them when they are gone. It is the third night (second day) without the "G-man". I pray that God is keeping his courage up and all is going well.

We had lifegroup this evening - we had a 'lifegroup picnic dinner'. I enjoy the times when our group gets together just to hang and share a little food and fellowship. Praise God for providing all these people we can call our friends. We love our lifegroup dearly and enjoy sharing our home with them all each week.

Picked up two new books to read - yeah, yeah, What? Rick read... It is a rare thing - but they haven't made the movies yet... If you have read either of the books, let me know. I would love to hear your insight on them.

Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis"


George Barna's "Revolution"

God Bless!


Jamie Stavenger said...

Velvet Elvis is WONDERFUL, especially if you need new perspective on the church. Rob Bell is always great with providing the Jewish history behind the scriptures....very insightful. Enjoy!

bobby said...

"Lifegroup picnic dinner?" Just out of curiosity, was the picnic held on your fake grass? Did you import any fake ants to make it really authentic? ;)