Friday, September 12, 2008

No Dancing in Church....

I saw this on another website indicating this is the best argument against dancing in church... I agree!

"The renewed mind is the key!"


bobby said...

I think my favorite part about this video is watching Saturday Night Fever Travolta meets Pulp Fiction Travolta trying to dance like Michael Jackson.

On a side note, they're actually from a non-Christian "cult" called The Way International.

Anonymous said...

I'm not usually one for leaving comments on blogs...I'm more of a lurker I suppose, but really...these people are ridiculous! I wouldn't classify that as dance...more of choralography...and that song...pretty horrible. This video should be found on You Tube next to the video of the White Amry guy dancing to Boy Band songs in his dorm room!

Anonymous said...

It's like watching a train wreck--it's so horrible, and feel the constant need to pull your eyes away, but you just can't do it.