Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I have heard over and over that Obama is an eloquent speaker and very engaging - I have disagreed from the start. I used to teach public speaking in the corporate world and one of the key things to avoid during public speaking is the use of "non-fluencies" such as, - ah, um, er, and, just, so ... the list goes on - but suffice it to say -

Mr. Obama is not an eloquent speaker - nearly every time he speaks his use of non-fluencies really detracts from his speaking.

I know this compilation by Letterman is funny - but at the same time, it is serious. You really can't say someone is a good speaker when they indeed are NOT.

Oh, and Mr. Letterman - you shouldn't begin the segment with "Ah, we're gonna show you..."


bobby said...

Let me preface this by saying, I am not an Obama supporter.

However, I have to agree that he is an engaging speaker, and that is really what has gotten him where he is. The rule you're talking about is fundamental, and true. However, it also doesn't factor in the effect of charisma and personality in being an "eloquent" speaker. Perhaps eloquent is just the wrong word, but engaging is not. He is engaging regardless of some of those, and to our generation, perhaps more so because it can sometimes come off more authentic and less rehearsed.

Isn't that in the Bible somewhere? Charisma and personality covers a multitude of mistakes? Errr, something like that.

Jamie Stavenger said...

Let's not forget his staple interruption of "look- look- look-".