Thursday, May 15, 2008


The world says: “There are many ways to heaven”

God says: “Only Jesus, My Son, Made the sacrifice for your sins.”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (NIV)

How good is good enough to get into heaven? If you work hard, raise a nice family and give to charity, is that enough? Or do you have to become a missionary or give up the things you really want to please God enough to let you through the pearly gates? Or maybe you are going to have to live numerous lives in order to get “promoted” into heaven. What about the Muslims, Hindus and other religious practitioners?

Don’t all roads lead to God?

The answer is NO.

All religions are not the same. There are some profound, fundamental differences that cannot be ignored. Christianity is unique and actually offers the most hopeful, joyful solution to the problem of man’s sin and inability to enter a sinless eternity. Let’s face it, why would anyone want to enter an eternity that is the same as their current life – all belief systems hope for a ‘better’ eternity. It may be a life filled with 72 virgins, being the ruler of their own planet, coming back as a higher life form or even becoming a god – but they all hope for a better future.

Look at it from this angle: You need someone or something to take the punishment for you sins. Someone has to pay the price for your bad behavior. Someone has to account for your ‘indiscretions’. Someone has to pay the price... Mohammed didn’t – never even claimed to. Buddha didn’t – wise perhaps but not a savior. L. Ron Hubbard didn’t nor did Joseph smith. Only Jesus died for your sins. Jesus is the only One who rose from the grave to give you hope for the future. He is the only One who can make you clean enough to enter heaven.

Jesus didn’t just die for the sins of the Western world. He is the sacrifice for the sins of the WHOLE world. He died for the Asians, Middle-Easterners, Africans, Europeans, Australians and both North and South Americans. His sacrifice was intended for every man, woman and child in every country on every continent; your friends and your enemies; His friends and His enemies.
He and no other.

All roads do NOT lead to heaven. But thank God there is a road that does – and His name is Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7 (NKJV)

1 comment:

DonnaG said...

OK great post but what I really want to say is YOU HAVE ME ON YOUR BLOG LINK LIST! Wow, I am honored. Maybe one day we will meet.