...at least that is why some of my friends keep telling me. That was until I saw an article tonight here, that made me gasp.
Madonna, Michael Jackson, Alec Baldwin and Prince will all turn 50 by the end of summer.

Ok, Madonna, yeah, she looks 50, Michael Jackson - he may be 50, but he doesn't have any real skin on his face, Alec Baldwin - yeah, he could pass for 50 - but Prince? come on, he doesn't look over 35.
50 - wow. That is only 4 or 5 years away for me. I don't feel 'almost' 50. I sure as heck hope I don't look nearly 50. Please don't feel as though you need to comment on that fact.
you are NOT old! You don't look old or act old or even seem old. Besides, I read in the WSJ a little while back that 60 is the new 40. By that standard you are practically in your 20s!
I knew I could count on the Lasch's to cheer me up! Er... wait.. are you saying I act like a kid - am I too juvenille for my age, oh great!
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