Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am inspired...

I saw this ad today

Which prompted me to research Gianna Jessen - where I found this... and became INSPIRED and outraged at the same time.

Watch both videos - and tell me what you think - what God says to you by the time part 2 is over.

Oh, get some tissue before you watch them!



And some people are voting for the man who, if he had his way - would allow this amazing woman to have been put to death.

What type of MAN would think it is OK to kill an unborn child, but not Iraqi insurgents? Barack Obama leads the opposition to the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act", which is NOT opposed by, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Rodham Clinton & NARAL.

Do you want that type of man to lead our country. Seriously. Think about it...

I have.


Rachel said...

Wow! That woman is such an inspiration! I had goosebumps listening to her share her experience. Every word she spoke was truth - I loved it. Thanks for sharing it!

Jessica Martiele said...

I am absolutely pained and in tears at the idea that any child of God is left alone to suffer and die...thank you for this.